Thursday, 24 October 2013

Shooting: The empty road and Town Lanscape

We originally had scheduled to film the empty road location shot and the town skyline shots on the 6th of October. But due to issues of availability, we were unable to film so the filming was postponed till later.

Postponing the filming of these shots to 20th October, we then carried out the filming. I stayed around Daniels and we woke up around 4AM and then went to our location of filming. We stood on the bridge along the road and realized we could not fin how to adjust the tilt on the tri-pod. On top of this, some road works and flashing lights had taken up a spot on the road. So we had to go to the next bridge along. This was near a bend in the road which meant traffic could come at any time. So we had to wait till it became a little bit lighter and then began doing handheld tilts up. It took a few attempts and we took turns in warning whichever of us was on camera whether cars were coming.
After we felt we had enough shots, we began walking back to Daniel's house. On the way we walked through an empty and eerily quiet street. So we quickly got the camera out and filmed the street still, zooming-in and zooming-out. We felt this spontaneous filming would come in useful when it came to editing our trailer together in post-production.
Later in the day we met up with Lizzie in town to get the town shots done. We decided to do the skyline first. We went to the top of the multi-storey car park and filmed from inside out of the window. We all took it in turns to do a few pans. After this we went onto the roof level and again took it in turns to do a pan or a few. We were just about to move to another side of the roof level to get a shot of the industry on the skyline but the car park attendant approached us and told us that we would have to get a permit from the council in order to carry on filming. So, we politely began to leave, but attendant was still explaining how apparently some university students had also tried filming up there and the attendant had to call an "armed response team" to take them down. Doubtful and downtrodden we left the car-park. But, we knew there was another multi-storey car park. So we headed directly there, but when we arrived the Car park was already closing. We considered getting shots of the streets but, we thought we would have enough location shots already for editing so we wrapped up for the day.
This experience has taught me, that just because a place is public, it does not mean you can just film there. So in future I will know to see if I can access a location by getting a permit to film there.
I took the camera and equipment home, so the next day I went out to the forest area we were due to film and got some location shots there and I also planned on getting another shot of an empty road. However, the road was busy all day so I did not get any footage of the empty road but in the video below is the location footage from the forest.
Behind the Scenes Gallery:
 This was the bridge that we filmed the road shot from. This is the second bridge we filmed on, due to the first being near road-works and flashing lights, we had to move to get a clear shot of the road.

The Photo was taken near the street that we filmed the improvised location shot, we liked how the sky was getting lighter but also the street was still completely empty.

I took this photo, when we were filming from inside the multi-storey car park. We all took it in turns to get some pans of the skyline before going outside to get some from the other side of the building.
Prior to mine and Daniel's filming of the road shot and street shots, he had done some of his own location shots, that we could also utilise in our trailer, there is a compilation of these shots below.

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